In 1980 Michael Jackson wasn’t the King Of Pop, he was one of the Jackson’s Five. Paul McCartney was already The Paul McCartney, The Beatles had split up in 1970, McCartneyreleased Ram, his first solo album, in 1971. With a phone call, as told by Paul inmany interviews, Michael reached the former beatle with an invitation to “write some hits”one of those hits was The Girl Is Mine which was the first of three songs the duo made – the only one to be produced by Quincy Jones. It was released in 1982 as the opener song from Michael Jacksons’ juggernaut album Thriller. As Jackson wenton to become the Kingof Pop and Paul McCartney continued on to remain one of the greatests names in rock ever them both continued to collaborate.

All Michael Jackson and Paul McCartney’s collaborations

Michael Jackson and Paul McCartney – The Man

Michael Jackson and PaulMcCartney – The Man

The Man was released in 1983 as the 6th track on the 5th solo album of McCartney, Pipes of Peace – therefore being produced by George Martin, the so called fifth beale. The Man is probably the least known song by Michael and Paul.

Michael Jackson and Paul McCartney – Say Say Say

Michael Jackson and Paul McCartney – Say Say Say

Also in the Pipes of Peace album Say Say was the third and last song Michael and Paul made toether before a minor fight that kept them away for a while. Right at the beggining of the clip the woman blowing the horn is LindaMcCartney, the love of Paul’s life And his partner in music, in life and in businesses.

Paul McCartney and Michael Jackson Career/relationship

Needless to say something about those careers. Michael Jackson died in 2009 divided between the “King of Pop” musically and the “sexual predator monster” personally for some. Paul McCartney is 77 years old and is still going strong releasing albuns (the last one being Egypt Station in 2018) and will always be the music genius that played in the reatest rock band ever The Beatles, composed rock, pop, orchestral and electronic music tthroughout his lifelong career.

The duo had a less notable trajectory together, though. Despite the three succesfull songsthey did together, their relationship was a bit more shaken. Michael at some point bought a considerably amount of beatles’songs rights, what made Paul a bit upset. Sevn years after Micael’s death Sony bought his share and today the company owns the whole Beatles ctalog.

I am absolutely passionate about The Beatles and Paul McCartney.This is one of the Michael Jackson’s songs that were very present in my life at some opint. So much that that day i simply woke up in the morning with themelody playing in my head.

As always here goes the full playlist